Diyari language blog

On Friday this week, 15th October 2021, the Diyari language blog, which aims to support the Diyari language spoken in northern South Australia, will be eight and a half years old. To date, the blog has had 17,471 visitors and 34,691 page views, with a gradual build up over the years:

The highest month so far has been August 2021 with 1,200 views:

Visitors to the blog come from all over the world, with the largest number being from Australia, as might be expected — here is the list of top 10 countries:

The most popular post by far (with 9,424 views since it was published in August 2018) remains Ngayani Australiamara, which presents a Diyari translation of the chorus of the popular song ‘I am Australian’, written in 1987 by Bruce Woodley and Dobe Newton. There seems to be keen interest in this song in Diyari, and other Australian Indigenous languages (see also this version in Yawuru from Broome in Western Australia).

Views of Ngayani Australiamara

Please visit and support the Diyari language blog!

Postscript: It seems to me that blogging is an excellent way of both supporting languages and language learning and revitalisation, as well as communicating with the general public about research outcomes, and collaborations between communities and researchers. At a time when specialist academic articles and books attract just a few hundred readers, at best, blogs provide a great way to engage with much larger numbers of interested people.