As we mentioned in this post in May, the Language Documentation and Description (LDD) journal has been moving to a new home with Aperio at the University of Virgina, with a new editorial team led by Prof Lise Dobrin as Managing Editor.

This transition is now complete, and all the back issues of LDD have now been transferred to the snazzy new site. We have set up automatic redirections so that attempts to access papers formerly held on EL Publishing (e.g. by clicking on a link on the web, or in a PDF) are seamlessly sent to the new locations.

Submissions to LDD are now welcome via the link at the top right of the homepage. They will continue to be subject to double-blind peer review and will be published online as they are accepted and formatted, with no waiting for a complete volume to be prepared. Submissions from early career researchers and those working on poorly known languages, cultures, and communities are especially welcome.