On Monday 7th November 2022 we are launching EL Publishing 2.0 with a new website and a new mission. EL Pub 2.0 will concentrate on innovative eBook and multimedia publications, especially by less-supported authors and creators.
We continue to be a platinum free open-access publication platform that aims to produce international quality publications on endangered and minoritised languages concerning language documentation and description, sociolinguistics, language revitalisation and support, language policy, and applied linguistics. We will focus on media-rich eBooks and multimedia, together with other innovative language support materials. This follows transfer of the journal Language Documentation and Description (LDD) to Aperio, University of Virginia, as discussed here. Our new publications will be fully peer reviewed, free to download under a CC-BY licence, and produced at no cost to authors and creators.
For the launch today we are proud to announce:
- two new eBooks to be published in 2023 and 2024.
- Kroondal German by Theresa Biberauer, Erika Herrmann & Sheena Shah — a media-rich description of the phonological, morphosyntactic and lexical properties of this undescribed, matrilectal, sixth-generation variety of German spoken by a few hundred people living in a village in North West Province, South Africa. The volume includes sound recordings of all the examples included, as well as photographic documentation;
- Writing Click Languages by Sheena Shah & Matthias Brenzinger — exploring the history and current conventions for representing click consonants in the orthographies of the 30 click-using languages, with a large number of audio-visual exemplifications. It will be of interest to language community members, language activists, NGOs, administrators, politicians, and linguists.
- 117 papers on language documentation and linguistic theory — republication of the proceedings of the first four Language Documentation and Linguistc Theory (LDLT) conferences held 2007-2013 at SOAS.
- a new set of Language Materials, which includes:
- a database of Language Snapshots articles published in LDD, arranged by geographical regions;
- a database of Language Contexts articles published in LDD, arranged by geographical regions;
- a curated database of articles published in LDD and our eBooks on Language Documentation Theory and Practice organised by topic areas. This will be of interest to researchers looking for bibliographical references on a range of issues in language documentation, description and support. Topics include ethics and rights, fieldmethods, archiving, sign languages, music, song, audio, video, and language support.

EL Publishing welcomes submissions of potential publications of eBooks (especially those featuring audio and/or video components), multimedia, and language materials. Contact us via the website.